Thursday, February 5, 2009

The Name Of The New Adventure - KLPT

Dear Government Scholarship Students,


It is Sang Im Kim from IIE office.

We have some information on TOPIK and the Exhibition for 35 universities.

You are going to take KLPT test on March, 28th(Sat) instead of TOPIK.

We apologize that the test has been changed and advanced.

TOPIK test would have some troubles for us which the result will be presented in June and it has difficulties of being calculated in terms of 50%, so that NIIED cannot help changing the test.

KLPT test is also a Korean proficiency test like TOPIK(only different ministry) and you can get the result two weeks later with KLPT test. (Website

IIE plans to open a class for KLPT during March and we are going to make an announcement after everything has been fixed.

All of you(designated and unrestricted students) should take this KLPT test to get Korean language score.

Secondly, the exhibition for 35 universities will be held April, 16th~17th(Thu~Fri) in Busan. This will be a good opportunity to get useful information for graduate school not only for designated students but also for unrestricted students. We hope many of you will join. If the place is fixed, we are going to Busan altogether.

Designated students will be able to apply for your first preference university from April, 16th~24th. You have all the same period to apply with different universities.

Please prepare your documents before the period.

If you have a question, please visit the office.

Thank you very much.

Best regards,

Sang Im Kim

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