Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Inha University

Dear Designated students of KGSP(Korean Government Scholarship Program),

Greetings from Inha University.

I'm Ji-hee Kim in charge of admission work at Graduate School Office.

* Homepage of Graduate School of Inha University.

* Master's and Doctoral Program

After clicking the name of each department

you can get specific information like introduction, contact information of professors, and course list.

If you want to contact a certain professor, you can send an e-mail about introducing yourself and your study plan to him or her directly or ask me to pass your e-mail to a certain department.

* Admission Documents

- You can download the fixed forms of resume, study plan, personal statement, and letter of consent.

- If you'd like to submit your application documents directly during the fair in April 16th and 17th in Busan, prepare and bring them, please.

- You can find the square for on-line application in this webpage.

* On-line application

* Schedule about admission process for fall semester in 2009.

1) On-line application : April 14th 10:00 ~ 21st 17:00

2) Off-line application : April 16th 14:00 ~ 23rd 16:00.

▶ All applicants should do both on-line and off-line application.

3) Evaluation by professors of the board of department : May 1st ~ 14th.

4) Announcement of Admitted Students : around May 29th.

* Students can take max 9 credits for each semester in Inha University.

(1 subject = 3 credits)

* Course work for Graduation

- Master's course : 24 credits

- Doctoral course : 60 credits (including some credits from your Master's course(Max. 24 credits))

If you have question after checking the homepage,

don't hesitate to contact me, please.

It will be helpful for me to let me take the message from you,

if Inha University will be the first choice of you.

If you'd like to apply for admission for Inha University,

give me a message about it before the fair by e-mail, please.

Also, please, do on-line application before the fair

and bring the application form paper which you can get right after on-line application

for off-line application in the fair.

To apply for the Graduate School of Logistics

and Graduate School of IT and Telecommunications in Inha University,
you should contact their office directly.

I'll give you each contact information.

* Graduate School of Logistics :

TEL: +82-32-860-8225, FAX : +82-32-860-8226, E-mail:

* Graduate School of IT and Telecommunications :

TEL: +82-32-860-8417, FAX : +82-32-865-0480, E-mail:

See you tomorrow in Busan.

Sincerely yours,

Ji-hee Kim.


Ji-hee Kim

Graduate School Office

Inha University

253 Yonghyun-Dong, Nam-Gu,

Incheon, 402-751, Korea.

T E L : +82-32-860-8389

F A X : +82-32-865-8623

E-mail :

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Sungkyunkwan University (They didn't attach anything)

Dear International Students in Korea,

Greetings from Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU), Seoul, Korea.

We launched our first ISS program last summer, and all the professors and students who participated in our program said that SKKU’s ISS was a unique summer program along with the renowned faculties from Cambridge, UC Berkeley, Nanyang Technology University and so forth and timely subjects in the well-organized schedule.

Based on the experience of successful ISS 2008, we are proud to start the ISS 2009 which will provide another highly-sophisticated program, a program with the subjects of “Sustainable Global Prosperity; Climate & Environment, Human Development, Innovation, Culture & Nature and Wealth.” Participants will also join field trips to feel the Korean culture, and understand Korean industry of Information & Technology (IT) in Samsung electronics that is currently SKKU’s foundation.

I am attaching the program outline for 2009 Summer School Program.

If you have any questions, just feel free to contact me or anyone in my office. I really hope I could work on ISS 2009 with you.

All the best

International Office
Sungkyunkwan University
phone: 82-2-760-0151~7
fax: 82-2-760-0159

Busan Adventure

Dear Government Scholarship Students in IIE,

It is Sang Im Kim from IIE office.

We would like to give you some information about the exhibition in Busan.

Schedule 16th(Thu)
07:00 Departure
12:30 Lunch
13:30 Opening Ceremony
14:00 Having presentation for each University 1
18:00 Supper
20:00 Accommodation Check-in

Schedule 17(Fri)
08:00 Check-out
08:30 Breakfast in Bu Kyung University
10:00 Having presentation for each University 2
13:00 Closing Ceremony, Lunch

As we said, you can apply for universities in Busan. When you apply for universities, you should attach your preference list with consent which I attach with this email and photocopy of KLPT Grade after it is stamped from the office for each university. You should visit the office to get the grade and a certificate of KGSP. In order to get stamped on it, please make a photocopy of your grade by yourself. If you are going to field trip tomorrow, you can visit me on Wed
after you arrive Seoul.
(If you do not understand the consent, please visit me)

After you finish applying for all universities, you should let me know the list.

In order to go to Busan, we are going to meet
April, 16th(Thu) 07:00, in front of library. Please don't be late.
For the students who are going to apply for universities in Busan, you must take the requirements(including underline) you prepared.

Each room of the accommodation has a kitchen so I want you to take some snacks even though NIIED will offer you each meal.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Best regards,
Sang Im Kim


Sogang GSIS (I liked the last sentence :))

Dear student,

I would like to make sure application procedure for designated students.

You can apply for admission to Sogang GSIS by May. 8.

Sogang University will select students based on the regulations by NIIED.

We will announce acceptance of NIIED scholarship students before May 21.

You can submit the application package by mail, visiting our office or at the universities fair in BUSAN.

Other coordinator (Ms. Aeran Lee) will be at the fair instead of me and you can submit them to her.

Thank you for your attention.


임하영 (Ha-Young Lim)

서강대학교 국제대학원 행정팀
Coordinator for International Affairs, Graduate School of International Studies Sogang University
#1 Shinsu-dong, Mapo-gu, Seoul, 121-742, Korea
Phone: +82-2-05-8754
Fax: + 82-2-705-8755

********************* God loves You ***********************

Daegu University

대구대학교 인사글(Invitation to Daegu University)

친애하는 대한민국 정부초청 외국인 대학원 장학생 여러분께,

Dear international graduate school students who have received Korean governmental scholarships,

여러분이 대한민국 정부초청 외국인 대학원 장학생으로 선발된 것을 축하합니다.

Congratulations on being selected as a recipient of a Korean governmental scholarship for international graduate students.

우 리 대구대학교는 ‘사랑, 빛, 자유’의 건학정신을 구현하기 위해 1956년에 개교한 이래 비약적인 발전을 이루어 20,000명의 학생이 재학하고 있습니다. 현재 본 대학원에는 석사과정 49개학과, 박사과정 36개학과에서 외국인 학생 70여명을 포함한 약 700명의 대학원생이 학문탐구와 인격도야에 매진하고 있습니다.

Daegu University was founded in 1956 to embody the sprit of "Love, Light, & Freedom." Since then, the University has undergone tremendous development. Currently, 20,000 students are enrolled on campus with approximately 700 of these in graduate school, including about 70 international students. Together, they are striving to achieve academic exploration and personality cultivation in 49 majors at the Master's level and 36 majors at the Doctoral level.

본 대학의 큰 자랑은 330만m2가 넘는 한국에서 제일 크고 아름다운 자연의 숲을 가진 캠퍼스와 150만m2 보다 넓은 호수를 가지고 있다는 사실입니다.

Daegu University's biggest pride is the largest and the most beautiful campus in Korea with a 3.3 million square-meter natural forest and a 1.5 million square-meter lake.

본 대학교는 국제교류처 산하에 있는 한국어교육센터와 외국인학생지원센터, 그리고 외국인학생전용기숙사의 운영으로 외국인 유학생의 생활편의를 돕고 있습니다.

Daegu University provides a comfortable life for its international students through services run by the Division of International Affairs such as the Korean Language Education Center, the International Student Services Center, and the International Student Exclusive Dormitory.

또한 외국인 학생들이 한국의 문화를 이해하기 쉽도록 한국문화체험 프로그램, 한국인 친구를 사귀면서 언어도 배우는 buddy program, 외국인 유학생 맞춤형 취업 프로그램도 운영하고 있습니다.

In addition, Daegu University runs various programs for international students such as the Korean Culture Experience Program which helps international students understand Korean culture, the Buddy Program which provides an opportunity for international students to become friends with Korean students and learn Korean language, and the Customized Career Development Program for international students.

여러분의 꿈을 실현하도록 도와줄 교수님들은 다양한 전공과 깊이 있는 학식, 그리고 열정과 의지를 가지고 여러분을 맞을 준비가 되어 있습니다. 여러분을 진심으로 환영합니다.

The professors at Daegu University are ready to welcome you with a breadth of major-related in-depth knowledge. Their passion and drive and will help you to make your dreams come true.

I would like to welcome you with my sincere heart.

대구대학교 대학원장 철학박사 전재일(Jae-Il Jun)

Jae-il Jun, Ph.D.

Dean of Graduate School

Daegu University


Sunday, April 12, 2009

Busan Trip

Check the file


(Click on attachment, then you'll be directed to a site, click on 'Save file to your PC: click here'
on the right down side and save the file.)

Friday, April 3, 2009


Dear Government Scholarship Students,

It is Sang Im Kim from IIE office.

Firstly, many of you might be wondering why we asked you five preferences so early. You will have a person who can help and advise you in order that you easily contact with a department or professor of Kyung Hee University so that we want to know the number of students who are going to apply for Kyung Hee University.

This survey is the first one which will not be informed to NIIED. We will ask you final five preferences two weeks later.

For that reason, please let me know the universities you are just thinking over at least till Sunday without the consent. You can email me.

Thank you so much for your cooperation.

즐거운 주말 보내세요 !

Best regards,
Sang Im Kim


Hello to everyone,

Two days ago I went to NIIED to talk about that document stuff. First of all thanks to Mr. Ho-nam Park for talking and discussing all the procedure with me.
Let's begin from that unrestricted and designated problem. Mr. Park told me that according to the contract between South Korea and governments of scholarship holders, this issue has been decided. I mean it depends on the relation between South Korea and your country either you are designated or unrestricted.
Secondly, you can submit your choices later at Busan. It is not compulsory to submit now. And I have received an email from IIE which says our choices are not going to be given to NIIED, it only aims to know how many students are going to apply to Kyung Hee. Because if you want to apply to Kyung Hee, you have to have an interview with a professor related with your major. After that interview, the professor is going to write a recommendation letter. So it is up to you. I mean, if you are so sure that you are going to apply to Kyung Hee university, you can submit your choices now. I have to apologize from IIE for misunderstanding this.
And two good news:
Firstly, (FOR DESIGNATED STUDENTS) if you fail entering to 5 universities you don't have to study at the university choosen for you. You can quit your program and go to your country. Let's say, none of the 5 universities admitted you and then NIIED has decided a university for you, if you don't want to study you can quit the program. Mr. Park also told me that if you choose all universities from Seoul area, and if you fail entering to the first university, probably you will fail all of them. So he advised to choose universities from regions also as Miss Kim told us (from IIE).
Secondly, I told Mr. Park about the difficulties we are facing here and the admission procedure (how unfair it is), and I asked him if it is possible to prolong the course period if we fail. His answer was NO. I told him that most of the students are going to apply to the universities in Seoul and if they fail entering to those universities probably they will quit their programs and return back to their countries. So who loses here? Of course, Korean Government. Because we have been supported here by the money of Korean Government (which I really appreciate). I said that there are even some students who can study here only in Korean, and after a language course of 6 months we have been forced to give a Korean Language Proficiency Test, and it is impossible to get 5th level. And if you don't have the result of the English Proficiency Test or if you have only beginner level result from KLPT it is impossible to get into a good university. So he said it can be a good idea to prolong the course period of failed students so they can apply later to the university again. He told me that he is going to discuss with the responsible staff whether it is possible or not. It is just an idea for now.
So, be careful with your choices, because it is going to be really hard to stay in Seoul.

Good Luck to everyone!