Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Korean Education Fair in BAKU

Greetings from NIIED(National Institute for International Education, Ministry of Education, Science&Techonology)

Hello, Azerbaijan Students in Korea.
My name is Hyejeong who s in charge of Korean Education Fair in Foreign countries, belongs to NIIED.

I am glad to inform you that there will be 1st Korean Education Fair in BAKU in 20th of October, 2009.

13 Korean representative universities will take part in this Fair and welcome Azerbaijan student s visit.
I would like all of you to inform this good news to your friends in Azerbaijan who s interested in studying in Korea.

I attach the poster of Korean Education Fair in Baku, so please refer to this.

Date : Oct. 20(Tue), 2009
Time : 14:00 ~ 18:00
Venue : Hayatt Hotel in Baku
Entrance Fee : Free!

And here is another information of one participant university, Ulsan Institute of Science and Technology which is newly established and run by Korean Government.

And I also attach the participant list of Korean Education Fair who can be your counsellor.

I ve already kept you in mind as a supporter for the Success of the Korean Education Fair.

Best wishes,
Hyejeong Hwang

교육과학기술부 국립국제교육원 유학지원팀
Education Researcher
International Student Exchanges Team
National Institute for International Education
Ministry of Education, Science and Technology

Tel : (82-2) 3668-1382
Fax : (82-2) 763-5668
Mobile : 82-10-7147-3562

교육과학기술부 국립국제교육원 유학지원팀
Education Researcher
International Student Exchanges Team
National Institute for International Education
Ministry of Education, Science and Technology

Tel : (82-2) 3668-1382
Fax : (82-2) 763-5668
Mobile : 82-10-7147-3562


Wednesday, June 17, 2009

New Regulation

Dear Government Scholarship Students in IIE

It is Sang Im Kim from IIE office.

I want to inform you what we mainly talked about at the counselling on 15th(Mon) in order that you remind.

For the students of Korean language course,
NIIED and KHU appreciate you have studied very hard and made an effort to apply for universities but some of you have bad attendance rates as the reason.
NIIED have asked each university to take care of students stricter and to report them whole attendance rates of each student until the end of August.

Also, If you are absent 5 times in succession or over 10 times a month without telling me anything or any reasonable reasons, I will notice NIIED and they will give you a warning. I ask you to submit me the documentary evidence like invitation, diagnosis and etc when you are absent. I hope you do your best until the end as you have done.

And I attach the KGSP regulation, please read it carefully.
If you have any question, please visit the office.

Thank you very much for your cooperation.

Best regards,
Sang Im Kim


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Inha University

Dear Designated students of KGSP(Korean Government Scholarship Program),

Greetings from Inha University.

I'm Ji-hee Kim in charge of admission work at Graduate School Office.

* Homepage of Graduate School of Inha University.


* Master's and Doctoral Program


After clicking the name of each department

you can get specific information like introduction, contact information of professors, and course list.

If you want to contact a certain professor, you can send an e-mail about introducing yourself and your study plan to him or her directly or ask me to pass your e-mail to a certain department.

* Admission Documents


- You can download the fixed forms of resume, study plan, personal statement, and letter of consent.

- If you'd like to submit your application documents directly during the fair in April 16th and 17th in Busan, prepare and bring them, please.

- You can find the square for on-line application in this webpage.

* On-line application


* Schedule about admission process for fall semester in 2009.

1) On-line application : April 14th 10:00 ~ 21st 17:00

2) Off-line application : April 16th 14:00 ~ 23rd 16:00.

▶ All applicants should do both on-line and off-line application.

3) Evaluation by professors of the board of department : May 1st ~ 14th.

4) Announcement of Admitted Students : around May 29th.

* Students can take max 9 credits for each semester in Inha University.

(1 subject = 3 credits)

* Course work for Graduation

- Master's course : 24 credits

- Doctoral course : 60 credits (including some credits from your Master's course(Max. 24 credits))

If you have question after checking the homepage,

don't hesitate to contact me, please.

It will be helpful for me to let me take the message from you,

if Inha University will be the first choice of you.

If you'd like to apply for admission for Inha University,

give me a message about it before the fair by e-mail, please.

Also, please, do on-line application before the fair

and bring the application form paper which you can get right after on-line application

for off-line application in the fair.

To apply for the Graduate School of Logistics

and Graduate School of IT and Telecommunications in Inha University,
you should contact their office directly.

I'll give you each contact information.

* Graduate School of Logistics : http://gsl.inha.ac.kr

TEL: +82-32-860-8225, FAX : +82-32-860-8226, E-mail: gsl@inha.ac.kr

* Graduate School of IT and Telecommunications : http://itgrad.inha.ac.kr

TEL: +82-32-860-8417, FAX : +82-32-865-0480, E-mail: nyang@inha.ac.kr

See you tomorrow in Busan.

Sincerely yours,

Ji-hee Kim.


Ji-hee Kim

Graduate School Office

Inha University

253 Yonghyun-Dong, Nam-Gu,

Incheon, 402-751, Korea.

T E L : +82-32-860-8389

F A X : +82-32-865-8623

E-mail : jiffy@inha.ac.kr

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Sungkyunkwan University (They didn't attach anything)

Dear International Students in Korea,

Greetings from Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU), Seoul, Korea.

We launched our first ISS program last summer, and all the professors and students who participated in our program said that SKKU’s ISS was a unique summer program along with the renowned faculties from Cambridge, UC Berkeley, Nanyang Technology University and so forth and timely subjects in the well-organized schedule.

Based on the experience of successful ISS 2008, we are proud to start the ISS 2009 which will provide another highly-sophisticated program, a program with the subjects of “Sustainable Global Prosperity; Climate & Environment, Human Development, Innovation, Culture & Nature and Wealth.” Participants will also join field trips to feel the Korean culture, and understand Korean industry of Information & Technology (IT) in Samsung electronics that is currently SKKU’s foundation.

I am attaching the program outline for 2009 Summer School Program.

If you have any questions, just feel free to contact me or anyone in my office. I really hope I could work on ISS 2009 with you.

All the best

International Office
Sungkyunkwan University
phone: 82-2-760-0151~7
fax: 82-2-760-0159

Busan Adventure

Dear Government Scholarship Students in IIE,

It is Sang Im Kim from IIE office.

We would like to give you some information about the exhibition in Busan.

Schedule 16th(Thu)
07:00 Departure
12:30 Lunch
13:30 Opening Ceremony
14:00 Having presentation for each University 1
18:00 Supper
20:00 Accommodation Check-in

Schedule 17(Fri)
08:00 Check-out
08:30 Breakfast in Bu Kyung University
10:00 Having presentation for each University 2
13:00 Closing Ceremony, Lunch

As we said, you can apply for universities in Busan. When you apply for universities, you should attach your preference list with consent which I attach with this email and photocopy of KLPT Grade after it is stamped from the office for each university. You should visit the office to get the grade and a certificate of KGSP. In order to get stamped on it, please make a photocopy of your grade by yourself. If you are going to field trip tomorrow, you can visit me on Wed
after you arrive Seoul.
(If you do not understand the consent, please visit me)

After you finish applying for all universities, you should let me know the list.

In order to go to Busan, we are going to meet
April, 16th(Thu) 07:00, in front of library. Please don't be late.
For the students who are going to apply for universities in Busan, you must take the requirements(including underline) you prepared.

Each room of the accommodation has a kitchen so I want you to take some snacks even though NIIED will offer you each meal.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Best regards,
Sang Im Kim


Sogang GSIS (I liked the last sentence :))

Dear student,

I would like to make sure application procedure for designated students.

You can apply for admission to Sogang GSIS by May. 8.

Sogang University will select students based on the regulations by NIIED.

We will announce acceptance of NIIED scholarship students before May 21.

You can submit the application package by mail, visiting our office or at the universities fair in BUSAN.

Other coordinator (Ms. Aeran Lee) will be at the fair instead of me and you can submit them to her.

Thank you for your attention.


임하영 (Ha-Young Lim)

서강대학교 국제대학원 행정팀
Coordinator for International Affairs, Graduate School of International Studies Sogang University
#1 Shinsu-dong, Mapo-gu, Seoul, 121-742, Korea
Phone: +82-2-05-8754
Fax: + 82-2-705-8755
Homepage: http://gsis.sogang.ac.kr

********************* God loves You ***********************

Daegu University

대구대학교 인사글(Invitation to Daegu University)

친애하는 대한민국 정부초청 외국인 대학원 장학생 여러분께,

Dear international graduate school students who have received Korean governmental scholarships,

여러분이 대한민국 정부초청 외국인 대학원 장학생으로 선발된 것을 축하합니다.

Congratulations on being selected as a recipient of a Korean governmental scholarship for international graduate students.

우 리 대구대학교는 ‘사랑, 빛, 자유’의 건학정신을 구현하기 위해 1956년에 개교한 이래 비약적인 발전을 이루어 20,000명의 학생이 재학하고 있습니다. 현재 본 대학원에는 석사과정 49개학과, 박사과정 36개학과에서 외국인 학생 70여명을 포함한 약 700명의 대학원생이 학문탐구와 인격도야에 매진하고 있습니다.

Daegu University was founded in 1956 to embody the sprit of "Love, Light, & Freedom." Since then, the University has undergone tremendous development. Currently, 20,000 students are enrolled on campus with approximately 700 of these in graduate school, including about 70 international students. Together, they are striving to achieve academic exploration and personality cultivation in 49 majors at the Master's level and 36 majors at the Doctoral level.

본 대학의 큰 자랑은 330만m2가 넘는 한국에서 제일 크고 아름다운 자연의 숲을 가진 캠퍼스와 150만m2 보다 넓은 호수를 가지고 있다는 사실입니다.

Daegu University's biggest pride is the largest and the most beautiful campus in Korea with a 3.3 million square-meter natural forest and a 1.5 million square-meter lake.

본 대학교는 국제교류처 산하에 있는 한국어교육센터와 외국인학생지원센터, 그리고 외국인학생전용기숙사의 운영으로 외국인 유학생의 생활편의를 돕고 있습니다.

Daegu University provides a comfortable life for its international students through services run by the Division of International Affairs such as the Korean Language Education Center, the International Student Services Center, and the International Student Exclusive Dormitory.

또한 외국인 학생들이 한국의 문화를 이해하기 쉽도록 한국문화체험 프로그램, 한국인 친구를 사귀면서 언어도 배우는 buddy program, 외국인 유학생 맞춤형 취업 프로그램도 운영하고 있습니다.

In addition, Daegu University runs various programs for international students such as the Korean Culture Experience Program which helps international students understand Korean culture, the Buddy Program which provides an opportunity for international students to become friends with Korean students and learn Korean language, and the Customized Career Development Program for international students.

여러분의 꿈을 실현하도록 도와줄 교수님들은 다양한 전공과 깊이 있는 학식, 그리고 열정과 의지를 가지고 여러분을 맞을 준비가 되어 있습니다. 여러분을 진심으로 환영합니다.

The professors at Daegu University are ready to welcome you with a breadth of major-related in-depth knowledge. Their passion and drive and will help you to make your dreams come true.

I would like to welcome you with my sincere heart.

대구대학교 대학원장 철학박사 전재일(Jae-Il Jun)

Jae-il Jun, Ph.D.

Dean of Graduate School

Daegu University


Sunday, April 12, 2009

Busan Trip

Check the file


(Click on attachment, then you'll be directed to a site, click on 'Save file to your PC: click here'
on the right down side and save the file.)

Friday, April 3, 2009


Dear Government Scholarship Students,

It is Sang Im Kim from IIE office.

Firstly, many of you might be wondering why we asked you five preferences so early. You will have a person who can help and advise you in order that you easily contact with a department or professor of Kyung Hee University so that we want to know the number of students who are going to apply for Kyung Hee University.

This survey is the first one which will not be informed to NIIED. We will ask you final five preferences two weeks later.

For that reason, please let me know the universities you are just thinking over at least till Sunday without the consent. You can email me.

Thank you so much for your cooperation.

즐거운 주말 보내세요 !

Best regards,
Sang Im Kim


Hello to everyone,

Two days ago I went to NIIED to talk about that document stuff. First of all thanks to Mr. Ho-nam Park for talking and discussing all the procedure with me.
Let's begin from that unrestricted and designated problem. Mr. Park told me that according to the contract between South Korea and governments of scholarship holders, this issue has been decided. I mean it depends on the relation between South Korea and your country either you are designated or unrestricted.
Secondly, you can submit your choices later at Busan. It is not compulsory to submit now. And I have received an email from IIE which says our choices are not going to be given to NIIED, it only aims to know how many students are going to apply to Kyung Hee. Because if you want to apply to Kyung Hee, you have to have an interview with a professor related with your major. After that interview, the professor is going to write a recommendation letter. So it is up to you. I mean, if you are so sure that you are going to apply to Kyung Hee university, you can submit your choices now. I have to apologize from IIE for misunderstanding this.
And two good news:
Firstly, (FOR DESIGNATED STUDENTS) if you fail entering to 5 universities you don't have to study at the university choosen for you. You can quit your program and go to your country. Let's say, none of the 5 universities admitted you and then NIIED has decided a university for you, if you don't want to study you can quit the program. Mr. Park also told me that if you choose all universities from Seoul area, and if you fail entering to the first university, probably you will fail all of them. So he advised to choose universities from regions also as Miss Kim told us (from IIE).
Secondly, I told Mr. Park about the difficulties we are facing here and the admission procedure (how unfair it is), and I asked him if it is possible to prolong the course period if we fail. His answer was NO. I told him that most of the students are going to apply to the universities in Seoul and if they fail entering to those universities probably they will quit their programs and return back to their countries. So who loses here? Of course, Korean Government. Because we have been supported here by the money of Korean Government (which I really appreciate). I said that there are even some students who can study here only in Korean, and after a language course of 6 months we have been forced to give a Korean Language Proficiency Test, and it is impossible to get 5th level. And if you don't have the result of the English Proficiency Test or if you have only beginner level result from KLPT it is impossible to get into a good university. So he said it can be a good idea to prolong the course period of failed students so they can apply later to the university again. He told me that he is going to discuss with the responsible staff whether it is possible or not. It is just an idea for now.
So, be careful with your choices, because it is going to be really hard to stay in Seoul.

Good Luck to everyone!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Dear Designated Scholarship Students of Kyung Hee,

As you know, we have received an email from IIE office that we have to sign a paper and return it back till 3rd April. The text which says '상기인은 2009학년도 위탁 대학원 진학을 위하여 제1지망-제5지망까지 대학원을 선택하여 지원하는 바, 지원한 대학원에 합격하지 못할 경우 본인의 전공을 고려하여 해당하는 위탁 대학원에 진학할 수 있도록 조치하여 주시기 바라며 이에 동의서를 제출합니다.' means if you sign this you will get into a trouble. Why?
Because when I applied for this program, they offered me one-year Korean Language Course followed by master's degree program. Of course I have been told that I am supposed to give a proficiency test, which is going to be held in summer. Then I came here. After a while they changed the rules. They change the rules every week, sometimes every day. Have a look;

*If you fail to enter all the universities, you will have a talk with NIIED and they will choose a university referring to your major, but if you do not want to enter it and finally give up, you will be deprived of government scholarship and should go back

I have received that information long time ago from IIE office, and now we have to sign a paper which says if we fail entering to a university among our 5 choices, we have to study at the university which is going to be choosen by NIIED. We don't have a chance to quit the program. Let's say those are my 5 choices;

1 - Yonsei University
2 - Kyung Hee University
3 - Inha University
4 - Kookmin University
5 - KDI

If Yonsei doesn't admit me, other universities won't admit either. Because if someone wrote Kyung Hee as a first choice Kyung Hee will admit him, even if he has a lower academic background than me which means we have only one chance to enter to a university, not 5.
I was O.K with that because in case I fail I had a chance to return to my country after quitting the program. Now they want to take this chance from us.

I don't know what you are going to do. But in my case, I am not going to sign this paper; besides I am not going to tell them my choices till I get my KLPT and TOEFL exam results. We can all boycott that regulation, at least I will. Or you can stay silent till they send you to Daejeon or somewhere in the middle of nowhere.

Best Wishes,

Javanshir Safarov


Dear Government Scholarship Students in IIE,

It is Sang Im Kim from IIE office.

We really appreciate you have been studying hard and we are happy to see your Korean improved.

You will have the result of KLPT April, 13th(Mon). For the students who get below level 5, you might have a re-test so that even though you finished Korean exam, we hope you keep studying Korean hard.

1. About application for Graduate school,
we have given you the documents which NIIED sent me but if you have the lastest or new documents(especially recommendation from professors), you should use it. Secondly, you should prepare application forms, new study plans, new self-introductions.

In order to know which universities you will apply for, we attach the file(including two sheets). After you fill and print it out, please submit it to me with your signature until April, 3th(Wed).
For unrestricted students, you only send me the preference sheet.

2. For designated students,
NIIED said they assume if universities which are located in Seoul mostly made up their quota on the first preference(because many students prefer universities in Seoul), it would be risky for the students who applied for 5 universities only in Seoul when they fail to get a permission on their first preference. Therefore, they recommend you apply for 5 universities by regional groups for the safe application.

3. For the students who apply for MBA,
we heard that some of universities are not allowed you to apply for MBA. We want you to inquire it exactly.

If you have a question, please visit or email me.

Thank you so much.

Best regards,
Sang Im Kim



Dear Designated students of KGSP(Korean Government Scholarship Program),

Greetings from Inha University.

I'm Ji-hee Kim in charge of admission work at Graduate School Office.

I think you were exhausted due to the KLPT test on last Saturday.

I hope that all of you will get good scores from the KLPT test and enter the university where you want to study.

I'd like to give you some information about Inha University and admission of Graduate School.

Please, open the attached file and check it carefully.

I'll attach the fixed forms of resume, personal statement, study plan, and letter of consent

for preparing application documents for Inha University.

* Homepage of Graduate School of Inha University.


* Master's and Doctoral Program


After clicking the name of each department

you can get specific information like introduction, contact information of professors, and course list.

If you want to contact a certain professor, you can send an e-mail about introducing yourself and your study plan to him or her directly or ask me to pass your e-mail to a certain department.

* Admission Documents


- You can download the fixed forms of resume, study plan, personal statement, and letter of consent.

- If you'd like to submit your application documents directly during the fair in April 16th and 17th in Busan, prepare and bring them, please.

* Schedule about admission process for fall semester in 2009.

1) On-line application : April 14th 10:00 ~ 21st 17:00

2) Off-line application : April 16th 14:00 ~ 23rd 16:00.

▶ All applicants should do both on-line and off-line application.

3) Evaluation by professors of the board of department : May 1st ~ 14th.

4) Announcement of Admitted Students : around May 27th. (not fixed yet)

If you have question after checking the homepage,

don't hesitate to contact me, please.

It will be helpful for me to let me take the message from you,

if Inha University will be the first choice of you.

I think that we can have a chance to meet during the fair in April 16th and 17th in Busan.

If you'd like to apply for admission for Inha University,

give me a message about it before the fair by e-mail, please.

Also, please, do on-line application before the fair

and bring the application form paper which you can get right after on-line application

for off-line application in the fair.

See you soon.

Sincerely yours,

Ji-hee Kim.


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

For Designated Students

Dear Government Scholarship students in IIE,

It is Sang Im Kim from IIE office.

Spring has become. I hope you can enjoy beautiful campus very soon.

We really appreciate you have been studying for KLPT test very hard.

As you know, we are going to Busan(Pukyong National University) for the exhibition of 35 universities April, 16th~17th. In order to join it, you need to sign at the office until March, 13th(Fri). NIIED is going to support everything so I hope all of you will join.
If you are out of Korea at the moment, you can let us know whether you can join it or not by email.

When you participate in the exhibition, you take the application forms which you want to apply for(each university has their own form).

We will send you the information in detail as soon as possible.

p.s We attach the procedure to apply for Graduated school and quota of 35 universities.

Thank you.

Sang Im Kim

35 Universities

The Procedure

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Jeju-do Trip

Dear NIIED and IIE,

I want to express my gratitude for the Jeju-do trip.

First of all, thanks to the NIIED for keeping their promise and giving us that chance during the economic crisis.

Secondly, I want to show my appreciation to the IIE office and the teachers who came with us. I think we have been supported by everything during the trip and the teachers were really kind and warm to us.

Finally, thanks to all scholarship students for being such kind and friendly people...

My KDI School Experience

Juan Carlos Testa (2006 MBA, Mexico)

"Reasons to Choose Korea, and the KDI School - Best Faculty and Students Services"

I have to admit that I am a big admirer of Korea's rapid economic growth and progress. I wanted to know more about the country that managed to transform itself from a receiver to a provider of the international aids in less than 40 years.

The KDI School had one of the best faculty and curricula in Korea and all the supports from the Korea Development Institute. From the academic point of view, the professors were exceptional. Not only did they have impressive academic backgrounds but they were also able and eager to share their knowledge with us.

Last but not the least, during our time at the KDI School, we were made to feel at home. When you live in a foreign country, you find yourself in many challenging circumstances. The support I received from the KDI School made it far more easier to overcome those challenges.

Hongmei Cui (2006 MBA, China)

"The KDI School, the Little International Community within Korea"

The courses were helpful, of course, but what I remember the most are the stories and experiences that my professors and classmates shared with me. I became more open-minded after making friends from different cultural backgrounds. I consider such personal networks to be my greatest asset. I also fondly remember going on many visits to Korean corporations and one field- trip to Gyeongju. Even though we were from different cultural backgrounds, we were able to bond while learning the Korean culture.

I was offered a position at Daewoo Securities when I was about to graduate. I mainly deal with bonds which is especially relevant to my major. The Korean customs and culture that I got familiar with at the KDI School came in extremely handy while working in a Korean company alongside my Korean colleagues.

Hoai An Phan (2003 MPP, Vietnam)

"Practical Curricula Improved My Career"

I am currently working for Ministry of Finance in Vietnam as a Deputy Director of the International Cooperation Department. I am in charge of the FTA negotiations such as the ASEAN-China, ASEAN-India and ASEAN-Korea negotiations. In April 2007, I had a chance to visit Korea again to attend the 17th meeting of the
ASEAN-Korea Free Trade Negotiating Committee (AKTNC). I was the representative for my ministry and my main responsibility was not only tariff-related issues but also negotiating financial services as well.

When I started my study at the KDI School in 2003, I did not have much understanding of the WTO and FTAs, nor did I have any work experience related to those fields. Courses such as Understanding the World Trade System, Comparative Economic Systems and Understanding the World Economy were especially interesting, useful and valuable to me. I have applied such knowledge to my work.

KDI School of Public Policy and Management
87 Hoegiro, Dongdaemun Gu, Seoul, 130-868 KOREA
Tel: 82-2-3299-1281 Fax: 82-2-3299-1223

Information for Graduate School at Kongju National University

Dear NIIED Scholarship members,

I'm writing to inform you of our Graduate School. I've attached a file including the course list KNU offers for your reference. You can also find the courses taught in English on this file. If you need any futher information regarding majors or professors, please visit the Department's Homepage.

KNU provides various programs for the NIIED Scholarship members such as buddy programs, tutoring, excursion and so on.

If you have any question or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Best regards,

Youngsook Kong

Team Manager

Office of International Affairs

Kongju National University

정부초청장학생 여러분께


먼저, 정부초청장학생으로 선발된 것을 축하드립니다. 대학원 입학 전형을 앞두고 공주대학교 대학원에 대한 소개를 드리고자 합니다. 공주대학교에서 제공되는 전공은 첨부파일에서 볼 수 있습니다. 첨부파일에는 영어강의가 가능한 전공을 별도로 표기했고 각 전공마다 홈페이지 주소를 연결해 놓았습니다. 학과 소개나 교수님에 대한 자세한 정보는 학과 홈페이지를 보시면 알 수 있습니다.

공주대학교에서는 정부초청장학생을 위한 여러 가지 지원을 하고 있습니다. 도우미 제도가 있어서 생활관과 캠퍼스 내에서 도움을 받을 수 있고, 튜터링제도를 통해 선배로부터 학습에 대해 도움을 받을 수도 있습니다. 전통문화 체험, 홈스테이 체험 등 다양한 문화체험을 할 수 있습니다.

공주대학교에 대한 문의사항이 있으면 언제든지 연락해 주십시오.


대외협력과 공영숙

Friday, February 20, 2009

Seoul National University

※ Occasion: Admission Guide Session for International students

※ Date: March 13, 2009 (Fri), 13:30~17:00

※ Venue: Auditorium, University Museum , Bld 70


Dear International students,

The Office of International Affairs cordially invites you to The Admission Guide Session for International students, on Friday, March 13, 2009 at 13:30. Following SNU museum tour and reception is also organized.

We host this presentation to help international students who want to start their graduate courses at Seoul National University.

We would be delighted if you could join us for this special occasion. Please return this RSVP to us until February 28, 2009.

* Anyone who wants to get information about Seoul National University is welcomed.

※ Name:

※ Number of persons:

※ Sorry, unable to attend:


※ Options

o I (we) will attend Presentation session only (13:30~15:00) ( )

o I (we) will attend both presentation and Museum tour (15:00~16:00) ( )

o I (we) will attend all (14:00~17:00) ( )

The Office of International Affairs

Seoul National University

KDI School

Dear KGSP Fellows,

Greetings from the KDI School! This is Jungwoo Park, International Student Admission Coordinator at the KDI School. It has been about six months now since you came to Korea, and I imagine you must be quite busy studying Korean. Yet as busy as you may be, the time has now come to begin exploring universities you may wish to apply to. That being said, I hope the KDI School will be among your ideal choices. We offer two master’s programs (MPP and MBA, Click → Curriculum) to both unrestricted (자율) and designated (위탁) students.

For 2009 fall admissions, we plan to open our online application system in late March. Please refer to the following admission information.

Admission Timetable (Tentative)

Early April

Open Class at KDI School

April 16~17

NIIED School Fair

Late April

Application Deadline


Document Review & Interview

Late May

Final Results Announced


First Semester Starts

* This schedule is for designated students.

Required Application Documents

- Online Application

- Statement of Purpose (Click)

- Bachelor’s Transcript(s)(University Grades/Marks)

- Certified copy of Bachelor’s Degree Diploma (Certificate of Graduation)

- Two Photos (3cm X 4cm)

- Recommendation Letter (if available)

- English Score Reports (if available)

If you have any questions, please contact me directly by email at jwpark@kdischool.ac.kr or by telephone at 02-3299-1281.

Best Regards,

Jungwoo Park (Ms.)

External Relations and Development Affairs

KDI School of Public Policy and Management

87 Hoegiro, Dongdaemun Gu, Seoul, 130-868 KOREA

Tel: 82-2-3299-1281 Fax: 82-2-3299-1223

Homepage: http://www.kdischool.ac.kr

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Hey guys, don't forget to sign to get your allowance on time, you have 2 days left

Friday, February 6, 2009

NIIED - They Remembered Us!

Information for Korean Language Proficiency Test

I would like to give my heartfelt thanks for your effort to study in Korea. It is not easy to live in a new environment and overcome language barriers. Moreover, it is also not easy to study abroad. You are struggling to assimilate different environment. From this point of view, the procedure of your readiness to study in Korea, will be harder than you thought. We, all of the staff members in NIIED, are pleased to help you.

As you know, you have to achieve a certain level of Korean Proficiency Test in order to get admission from your Graduate School. It will be held in March 28th(Sat.), 2009. Actually, we made a plan to have TOPIK, but it is changed to have KLPT because of the graduate school's admission schedule. We recognized that many of KGSP fellows are studying TOPIK patterns and drills. We, however, discussed it with University fellows and decided that we have KLPT. It might be understandable because main aim of this test will be provided the proper evaluation for your admission to Undergraduate course. We have to manage your admission with urgent schedule. Moreover, KLPT's elements of Korean Language evaluation is compatible to the TOPIK and the test will be held under the same condition of the participants.

The Schedule of KLPT is as follows;

1.Evaluation Institute: Korean Language Association

2.Type of Evaluation: KLPT

3.Date: March 28(Sat.), 2009

4.Venue: Not confirmed

5.Let your University Staff knows your ID information with .jpg photo.

Thank you for your kind cooperation!

Ho-nam, Park Ph.D



About KLPT

After the mail from IIE, I have checked the homepage for some information.

First of all, KLPT is a proficiency test which has 5 sections including Listening, Vocabulary, Grammar, Reading and Conversation. It takes 110 minutes to take the test. There are 6 levels according to your result score. To get 2nd level you have to know 2000 words (Just for record, from 초급1 till now I have been writing all the vocabulary, even the ones that we don't need to know and it is not more than 1700). Also there is Basic-KLPT for students who have taken language course for 150-200 hours which consists of Listening and Reading parts. Estimated time for the test is 90 minutes.

By the way, I went to the main office today to get answers to my questions which can be useful for you too. I have been told that they are going to organize a special KLPT exam for us, and that is not Basic-KLPT. After getting exam results designated students can apply to the university for their 1st choices. In case you fail, you will have 4 more chances to apply to another university which can be done after May. Wish good luck to all.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

The Name Of The New Adventure - KLPT

Dear Government Scholarship Students,


It is Sang Im Kim from IIE office.

We have some information on TOPIK and the Exhibition for 35 universities.

You are going to take KLPT test on March, 28th(Sat) instead of TOPIK.

We apologize that the test has been changed and advanced.

TOPIK test would have some troubles for us which the result will be presented in June and it has difficulties of being calculated in terms of 50%, so that NIIED cannot help changing the test.

KLPT test is also a Korean proficiency test like TOPIK(only different ministry) and you can get the result two weeks later with KLPT test. (Website http://www.klpt.org/)

IIE plans to open a class for KLPT during March and we are going to make an announcement after everything has been fixed.

All of you(designated and unrestricted students) should take this KLPT test to get Korean language score.

Secondly, the exhibition for 35 universities will be held April, 16th~17th(Thu~Fri) in Busan. This will be a good opportunity to get useful information for graduate school not only for designated students but also for unrestricted students. We hope many of you will join. If the place is fixed, we are going to Busan altogether.

Designated students will be able to apply for your first preference university from April, 16th~24th. You have all the same period to apply with different universities.

Please prepare your documents before the period.

If you have a question, please visit the office.

Thank you very much.

Best regards,

Sang Im Kim

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Dear Government Scholarship Students,


It is Sang Im Kim from IIE office.

Firstly, as you know, we did participate in the meeting last Friday.

Actually, we discussed lots of things but there is nothing exactly decided. So please understand us that we cannot give the information about what you are wondering at this moment.

But NIIED is going to give all of you a conclusive answer by e-mail very soon based on the contents which was discussed last Friday.

Secondly, If you have difficulties of getting the documents to apply for graduate school, NIIED will give you photocopies of them after they stamp in order to prove those documents are the same as the original ones which you submitted before you came to Korea.

We will give you those documents as soon as NIIED sends us.

Lastly, when you apply for graduate school, you are required to submit a recommendation. If you need it, please visit the office.

Always thank you for your cooperation.


Sang Im Kim

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Dear Students,

As you know we are supposed to take TOPIK exam in April. Probably we are going to apply between February 21 ~ March 11 in order to give exam on April 20. You can get all information from www.topik.or.kr. We have to wait for the news from IIE office, I hope we will be informed after January 30th.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Mail from IIE

I have just received the following mail from IIE office:

Dear Government Scholarship students,


It is Sang Im Kim from IIE office.

Firstly, We give you some information.

All the representative of Universities in Korea who are related to Government Scholarship students programme have a meeting on the 30th of January which is organized by NIIED.

Things related to TOPIK test, entrance of graduate school and etc will be discussed and finally decided on this meeting.

We also participate in the meeting and give you exact information after the meeting.

Many of you have got previous information from other university students, but they also cannot say exactly before the meeting.

We promise you to give the information as soon as we finish the meeting.

Have a good weekend and long holliday

Happy new year !

Best regards,

Sang Im Kim